Signature Campaign(Full)
Btctalk name :
Rank :
Current post count :
BTC Address :
Wear appropriate signature :
If there are changes in the rules and contents,
please review with the link thread above.
This post is just as my creativity
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The BitWhisk team is looking to advertise their mixing site.
You can get more information by checking their Ann thread for more information.
Full Member - .004/week
Sr Member - .006/week
Hero - .008/week
Legendary - .01/week
Paydays will be Thursdays, posts after 23:59 UTC Wednesday will count towards the following week
Sr Member - .006/week
Hero - .008/week
Legendary - .01/week
Paydays will be Thursdays, posts after 23:59 UTC Wednesday will count towards the following week
Must make 25 posts per week
Posts must be constructive and on topic
75 characters minimum
Users not posting a min of 25 posts per week for 2 consecutive weeks will be removed
1 bitcointalk account per person(If you are found to be enrolling alts you and your alt are kicked out with no pay)
No neg trust accts may enroll
If you receive neg trust while enrolled you receive no pay and will be removed
If youre placed on SMAS blacklist during your time enrolled you will not be paid
You may not advertise any other sites in your signatures
Posts in any sig campaign or bounty threads will not count
Users will not rank up unless I announce there is an available opening
Users may not change payment addresses. You will use the same address the whole campaign
Posts in Games & Rounds, Off topic, Lending, Auctions, Politics & Society, Beginners and help, Archival, Investor based games, or Micro earnings will not count
Posts must be constructive and on topic
75 characters minimum
Users not posting a min of 25 posts per week for 2 consecutive weeks will be removed
1 bitcointalk account per person(If you are found to be enrolling alts you and your alt are kicked out with no pay)
No neg trust accts may enroll
If you receive neg trust while enrolled you receive no pay and will be removed
If youre placed on SMAS blacklist during your time enrolled you will not be paid
You may not advertise any other sites in your signatures
Posts in any sig campaign or bounty threads will not count
Users will not rank up unless I announce there is an available opening
Users may not change payment addresses. You will use the same address the whole campaign
Posts in Games & Rounds, Off topic, Lending, Auctions, Politics & Society, Beginners and help, Archival, Investor based games, or Micro earnings will not count
How to join
Btctalk name :
Rank :
Current post count :
BTC Address :
Wear appropriate signature :
If there are changes in the rules and contents,
please review with the link thread above.
This post is just as my creativity
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AUTHOR | Rahutomo |
BITCOINTALK |;u=1641731 |